Final notes on the Green Web Fellowship

For the past year, I participated in the Green Web Foundation Fellowship program, which focused on their goal of enabling a carbon-free Internet. Alongside other great members of my cohort, we explored and studied together how the Internet’s physical infrastructure and uses correspond with negative environmental impacts. I am happy to share some of my work products as the year closes.

Fellowship project: Digital sustainability guide

My project addressed the knowledge gap among tech workers, especially in developing countries. As the main driving force for digital infrastructure and software, the people behind this work must be aware of the consequences of their work at a global scale, including some of the repercussions that are visible locally.

My guide, available on Appropedia, will guide you through the essential aspects to consider when evaluating your employer’s digital infrastructure and practices.

Fellowship blog

You can read the blog posts we developed during the fellowship, where I share some of the ideas explored this past year.


I had the opportunity to present my work at re:publica, in Berlin.

Branch Magazine Article

I wrote an article for Branch Magazine to expound some thoughts regarding the view of critical thinking and conscious education alongside the open movement, as a view that guided my work in this fellowship.