February 27, 2024
I recently had the opportunity to co-present the work done by the Global Innovation Gathering in documenting projects to be reproduced by Tolocar. This is a project by GIZ focused on enabling mobile makerspaces to aid in care and reconstruction […]

December 18, 2023
I recently participated in the #REvaluationPodcast to discuss the work and findings related to evaluating open innovation for the Global Surgical Training Challenge. We discuss how a data model can be designed and used to monitor and assess complex contributions […]

December 18, 2023
Hace un par de días recibí recibí la noticia de haber sido incluido en la lista de 100 personas más innovadoras del año en América Latina. La lista fue elaborada por Bloomberg Línea y contiene a otras personas muy interesantes. […]

December 16, 2023
I was invited to present at the Exchanging Knowledge and Ideas for Open and Transparent Governance in Montenegro event, organized by the National Democratic Institute and the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro. The topic of the conversation was “Open […]

November 14, 2023
Gracias a la atenta invitación de Wikimedistas de Uruguay, participé en el evento regional de Wiki por los Derechos Humanos. Este evento se llevó a cabo en Montevideo e integró a personas parte de varios capítulos de Wikimedia para discutir […]

September 21, 2023
Over the past few months, I collaborated with several experts in open hardware to draft a guidance note for UNESCO regarding developing and using open hardware for scientific practice. This guidance note was connected to the UNESCO Recommendation on Open […]

August 26, 2023
As part of my involvement in developing the Surgical Education Learners Forum, I had the opportunity to engage with surgical educators, practitioners, and other technologists at the SELF Symposium hosted by Intuitive Foundation at the Intuitive Surgical headquarters in California. […]

June 15, 2023
Wikimedistas de Uruguay me invitó a participar de un panel junto con María Soledad Bos (BID), Rodrigo Morán (PNUD El Salvador) y Dafna Nudelman (@lalocadeltaper) para discutir los conceptos de ciudadanía verde en los espacios digitales. Esto implica la conciencia […]

June 12, 2023
As a follow-up to the Digital Rights x Climate Justice event in Berlin (now known as the Green Screen Coalition) and taking advantage of the number of practitioners attending the RightsCon 2023 conference in San José, a large group of […]

June 06, 2023
As a brilliant follow-up to my 2022 participation at re:publica, Alistair Alexander was very kind to invite me to co-facilitate a workshop connected to a framework he is promoting for digital sustainability called the Digital Doughnut. What is the Digital […]