Analysis of collaborative project behavior

This past August I presented alongside Isaac Robles a paper that analyzed the work of members of the Latin American Fab Lab Network on regional collaborative projects, through their engagement with Google Drive project folders.

A few months later, I have worked on the solution of some technical dificulties on the mining of data (I am in debt with Mario Gómez and Joksan Alvarado for all thier support in making the script) and I have worked on an R script to clean and graph some of the data, for future analysis. You can see the script here.

Some of the interesting findings of this analysis is the lack of connections between number of participants and levels of engagement for certain periods, and the inconsistence in the participation of some project participants, which may mean that certain types of incentives must be necessary for these types of projects.

Due to the constraints of this study, however, it is difficult to compare the findings with other types of initiatives.