After a long in-person hiatus, the 2022 Fab City Fest at Jimbaran, Bali, was one of the first massive maker events. I had the chance to participate in a variety of activities described here:
Global Surgical Training Challenge presentation
Using a variety of human tissue, laser-cut, and 3D-printed simulators, as well as learning materials, the Global Surgical Training Challenge is a competition with a $1M grand prize to create a new way for medical practitioners to develop skills anywhere in the world at a low cost.
See more of the Global Surgical Training Challenge on Appropedia.
The competition, funded by Intuitive Foundation, partnered with Appropedia Foundation in 2020 to explore good documentation practices. I had the opportunity to share some of these experiences and examples of good documentation practices that showcase the work of medical practitioners and makers.

Craftivism and neo-handicraft book presentation

Walter González Arnao, a Peruvian academic focused on traditional knowledge, organized two sessions in which we discussed his newest book, Craftivism & Neo-Handicraft: The Impact of New Technologies on the Future of R+D+i and Intellectual Property in Craftsmanship.
You can find a copy of the book here.
I collaborated with a book chapter, so Walter invited me to participate on a panel alongside Angela Barbour and Gonzalo Siu regarding the impact of intellectual properties and digital technologies on traditional expressions in our region. We also had the chance to discuss our chapters more in-depth during a second session at the same event.
Resilient Maker Stories panel (RESERVISTS)

A group of speakers who participated in the research for the RESERVIST project and took part in the Resilient Maker Stories series met to chat about our experiences in humanitarian and grassroots response to discuss how makers and innovators should address community and technological issues during crisis response.
Tibial Fracture Fixation workshop and Fab Care session

The facilitator team for a workshop showcasing one of Global Surgical Training Challenge’s modules (Julielynn Wong, Adriana Cabrera, and Enrico Bassi) kindly invited me to join in on their workshop that taught how to 3D-print tibial bone models and use them to learn the orthopedic procedure to support the fixation and healing of tibial bones. We chatted with makers during the workshop and gathered feedback on the documentation instructions and fabrication procedures.
- Learn about the Tibial Fracture Fixation module by Medical Makers on Appropedia.
- Check out the Fab Care Network initiative‘s website.
This initiative was part of the Fab Care Initiative that Adriana and Enrico have led and that I’ve been a part of since 2020. We also held a Fab Care session during the event to discuss some of our work as makers, initiatives and labs worldwide to further access to technologies for healthcare.
Winners: Community Sustainability Challenge

I had the chance to contribute (in a very, very small way) to Felencia Hutabarat and Saad Chinoy’s winning submission for the Community Sustainability Challenge.
The proposal consisted of a Fab Care Package or a welcoming kit for new community members entering the fab lab community through the global platform, hosting the work of over 2000 labs in 149 countries. The submission won first prize!