June 09, 2022
One of the results of my work as a Green Web Foundation fellow was a workshop at re:publica, a festival in Berlin focused on digital culture. The workshop title was Sustainability, Accountability and Power: What Remote Work Means for the […]

June 01, 2022
SolariseCon 2022 was a day packed with conversations about the concept of solarpunk, a movement focused on the reimagining of a carbon-free future. From the organizers of the event: Solarpunk imagery tends to conjure up visions of solar panels and […]

November 30, 2021
Gracias a una amable invitación del Centro Nacional de las Artes de México, formé parte de las Jornadas de Autodeterminación Digital, un evento orientado a la discusión sobre el concepto de autodeterminación, un elemento clave de la identidad personal y […]

September 30, 2021
Uno de los temas más relevantes del movimiento abierto es la paradoja de lo abierto planteada por Keller y Tarkowski: cómo asegurar que el conocimiento abierto permita disolver los desbalances de poder existentes en nuestras sociedades, en lugar de alimentarlos […]

July 09, 2021
Alongside a group of members of the open source movement, in the past few months, we have organized a series of calls that explore the intersection between the open movement and climate change. The question we pose is: how can […]

November 12, 2020
Recientemente fui invitado a formar parte de un conversatorio sobre los retos urbanos que El Salvador está afrontando a raíz de la pandemia, junto con Katya Díaz y Yasser Chavarría. El evento fue organizado por el arquitecto Rafael Centeno de […]

September 12, 2020
Last year I wrote about a card game that we designed to determine safe and unsafe areas in San Salvador. The game’s premise was simple: to randomize questions and prompt yes/no answers regarding points on a map, all of this […]