platform for public domain works in El Salvador

Autores is an initiative by Creative Commons Uruguay which was born in 2014, in order to curate locally-produced expressions protected by copyright, and more especially those whose period of copyright protection had experied of was close to expiration. The team in Uruguay developed a web platform which has been sinced appropriated and deployed in Argentina in 2016.

This year, I had the pleasure to work with Creative Commons El Salvador in the implementation of our own platform, which will be used to showcase works made by artists in El Salvador in the public domain. Although laws in different countries tend to be different and there are some exceptions, most of them regard a work in the public domain when 70 years have passed since the death of its known author.

Let me celebrate this with a poem in the public domain.

A los ciudadanos centroamericanos

Atended las instrucciones de la obrera que lucha con tezón,
Por unir los hermanos de la América sin lucha de cañón.
Los pueblos que dormían en la inercia ya despertarán,
Para subir la escala del progreso dó todos gozarán.
Pues los pueblos que estaban oprimidos se libertarán.
Ya no más se oirán tristes gemidos del valiente Morazán.
Prudencia Ayala