July 26, 2020
Last week we had the opportunity to share some of the ideas behind Open Know-How at the FabXLive conference. Open Know-How is a metadata standard envisioned by Andrew Lamb from Massive Small Manufacturing and developed by a neat group of […]

April 25, 2020
Last month, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Arcata CA to speak about Latin American experiences in technology and community development. The keynote was part of the Awesome Business Competition, an event focused on agriculture, energy and water projects […]

March 12, 2020
Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de compartir espacio junto con Kako Valladares para contar un poco sobre nuestros proyectos colaborativos a partir de nuestro trabajo en la red Fab Lat. La presentación fue facilitada por Benito Juárez, de Fab Lab Perú. […]

October 11, 2018
A couple of weeks ago, Mario Gómez from Hackerspace San Salvador and I we had the opportunity to run a workshop that focused on making Reacción Colibrí kits by hand. The workshop was made as a side event from the […]

April 27, 2018
On April 25th, a new book featuring an article I wrote in collaboration with Kako Valladares and Kate Samson was published by Fundación Ceibal from Uruguay, with support from Digitally Connected. The book, Jóvenes, transformación digital y nuevas formas de […]

November 23, 2017
This past August I presented alongside Isaac Robles a paper that analyzed the work of members of the Latin American Fab Lab Network on regional collaborative projects, through their engagement with Google Drive project folders. A few months later, I […]

April 18, 2017
Thanks to MANO Americas, the University of Miami School of Architecture and Dade College, last week I had the chance to visit Dade College to showcase open projects from Latin America at the Miami Maker Faire. Projects from all over […]