October 17, 2019
This is a story that I wasn’t planning on telling anyone, but I was invited recently to propose a technological project that relates to traffic issues, which are very severe in my city. This brought this to my mind. The […]

October 11, 2018
A group of friends maintains a Facebook group for music recommendations. Every day, someone comes up with a hashtag and the community replies with links to songs, mostly from YouTube. The hard part of the game was, however, to gather […]

November 23, 2017
This past August I presented alongside Isaac Robles a paper that analyzed the work of members of the Latin American Fab Lab Network on regional collaborative projects, through their engagement with Google Drive project folders. A few months later, I […]

September 22, 2017
As a result from the workshop made at Fab13 in Santiago, Chile, I worked with Mario Gómez with the design of a proof of concept for a model of visualization of data for people who mobilize in the city. For […]